Jethro Tull

Reasons for Waiting

Jethro Tull

cavaco Intermediate intermediate

by  MAX(BA)

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Reasons for Waiting

Written by Ian Anderson


(chords as if no capo)   

Intro D F/C G D 2x  

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Intro over D e-------------2----- B-------------3----- G--0--1--2----2------ D---------------------- A---------------------- E----------------------

Verse 1:

D C (G) D C D What a site for my eyes to see you in sleep D C D C D Could it stop the sun rise hearing you weep C G D You're not seen you're not heard F D But I stand by my word F Bb C G D Came a thousand miles just catch while you're smiling
Interlude D Intro bit again

Verse 2:

D C D C D What a day for laughter and walking at night D C D C D Me following after your hand holding tight C G D F D And the memory stays clear with the song that you hear F Bb C G D If I can but make the words awake the feeling
Orchestral solo over D F/C G D X2

Verse 3:

D C D C D What a reason for waiting and dreaming of dreams D C D C D So here's hoping you've faith in impossible schemes C G D F D That are born in the sigh of the wind blowing by F Bb C G D While the dimming light brings the end to a night of loving
Interlude and orchestral solo repeat D F/C G D X2 End on D

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