
good day acoustic


cavaco Beginner beginner


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good day acoustic

	  		Standard Tunning 

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C C/B Am G e|-----------------------------| B|1111111111111111113333333333-| G|-----------------------------| D|-----------------------------| A|333333222222000000-----------| E|------------------3333333333-|
For the verses you can either pluck the chords as in the intro, but it also sounds if you just strum them. (no guitar) I say to myself C C/B Am Self, why are you awake again' It's 1 AM G Standing with the fridge door wide open, just staring C Such a sight, fluorescent light, the stars are bright C/B Am I might make a wish, if I believed in that shit As it is, I might watch TV G D D/B C 'Cause it's nice to see people more messed up than me C D D/B C I say to myself D D/B C As I smile at the wall D D/B C Just let myself fall G It's gonna be alright D No matter what they say C It's gonna be a good day D Just wait and see G It's gonna be okay D 'Cause I'm okay with me C It's gonna be It's gonna be D Dsus (Mute) It's gotta be C C/B I shiver and shut the door Am Can't think standing here no more G I'm alone my mind's racing, heart breaking Can you be everything I need you to be C C/B Can you protect me like a daughter Am Can you love me like a father G Can you drink me like water D D/B C Say I'm like the desert just way hotter C D D/B C The point of it all D D/B C Is that if I should fall D D/B C Still your name I call G It's gonna be alright D No matter what they say C It's gonna be a good day D Just wait and see G It's gonna be okay D 'Cause I'm okay with me C It's gonna be It's gonna be D As long as we Am Laugh out loud C And laugh like we're mad G D 'Cause this crazy mixed up beauty's all that we have Am C Because what's love but and itch we can't scratch G A joke we can't catch D Dsus But still we laugh G D I go back upstairs turn off the TV C D You say it'll be okay baby, just wait and see G D It's gonna be alright C D It's gonna be okay G D It's gonna be alright C Just wait and see D It's gonna be G It's gonna be alright D It's gonna be okay C It's gonna be a good day D Just wait G Just say gonna be okay D 'cause I'm okay with me C it's gonna be it's gonna be D it's gonna be G D C D G D D okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

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See also:

chords Bryan Ferry - The 'In' Crowd

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