Joe Simon

My Special Prayer

Joe Simon

cavaco Intermediate intermediate


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My Special Prayer

	  		While the choir sang, ave marie I was singing with all my heart 
            G             D7          D7                   G 
And I sent a special prayer, up to heaven 
                        G7          C 
That you'll return to me before I fall apart 
            G           D7       G 
While the choir sings hallelujah 
            G           D7 
I was singing with all my heart 
            D7          G 
Darling please come back and never leave me again 
            G      G7              C 
And this will be (this will be) the answer to my prayer 
               G           D7      G 
And I'll wait, here for the answer 
            D7          G 
That you'll come back, come back I pray 
            D7          G 
For if you stayed, away another hour 
            D7          G 
Well I don't think I could last another day 
            A                    D  D#               
While the choir sings hallaluyah 
            G#          D# 
I was singing with all my heart 
            D#          G# 
Darling please, come back and never leave me again 
            D#          C# 
And this will be an answer to my prayer 
            G#  D#  G# 

Umm, umm, umm, um-hm   G# 
Umm, umm, umm, um-hm   G# 
Umm, umm, umm, um-hm   G# 

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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