John Stewart


John Stewart

cavaco Intermediate intermediate


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Written by John Stewart

Key:  Am More
Gold Key EmEm
Gold Key FmFm
Gold Key F#mF#m
Gold Key GmGm(one step down)
Gold Key G#mG#m(half step down)
Gold Key AmAm(original key)
Gold Key A#mA#m(half step up)
Gold Key BmBm(one step up)
Gold Key CmCm
Gold Key C#mC#m
Gold Key DmDm
Gold Key D#mD#m
Verse 1
When the lights go down in the California town 

F                     Am 
People are in for the evening. 
I jump into my car and I throw in my guitar, 

   F                          Am 
My heart beats time with my breathing. 

F                   Em 
Driving over Canan, singing to my soul, 

        F                                   Am 
There's people out there turning music into gold. 

Verse 2
Now, my buddy Jim Bass, he's a-working, pumping gas, 

       F                      Am 
And he makes two fifty for an hour. 
He's got rhythm in his hands as he's tapping on the cans, 

F                          Am 
Sings rock and roll in the shower. 

F                   Em 
Driving over Canan, singing to my soul, 

        F                                   Am 
There's people out there turning music into gold. 

Verse 3 

Oh, California girls are the greatest in the world, 

F                      Am 
Each one a song in the making, 
Singing right at me, I can hear the melody, 

    F                      Am 
The story is there for the taking. 

F                   Em 
Driving over Kanan, singing to my soul, 

        F                                   Am 
There's people out there turning music into gold. 

F                   Em 
Driving over Kanan, singing to my soul, 

        F                                   Am 
There's people out there turning music into gold. 

Verse 4
When the lights go down in the California town 

F                     Am 
People are in for the evening. 
I jump into my car and I throw in my guitar, 

F                           Am 
My heart beats time with my breathing. 

F                   Em 
Driving over Canan, singing to my soul, 

F                                           Am 
There's people out there turning music into gold. 

F                   Em 
Driving over Kanan, singing to my soul 

F                                   Am 
People out there turning music into gold, 

F                                   Am 
People out there turning music into gold, 

F                                   Am 
People out there turning music into gold.  

Am                                             F 
People out there turning music into gold, into gold,  

Am                                             F 
People out there turning music into gold, into gold,  

Am                                             F 
People out there turning music into gold, into gold,  

Am                                             F 
People out there turning music into gold, into gold, 
Working on the radio,  

Am                                             F 
People out there turning music into gold, into gold,  
Slipping down the backroad,  

Am                                             F 
People out there turning music into gold, into gold, 

Am                                             F 
People out there turning music into gold, into gold 

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