John Willison

My Redeemer Lives

John Willison

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My Redeemer Lives

Written by John Willison

	  		      A          E/A D/A    A    A/C# 
For I know my  Rede - emer  lives 
           D                        Esus4 E 
And in the end He will stand on the earth 
      A          E/A D/A    A    A/C# 
For I know my  Rede - emer  lives 
           D                        Esus4 E 
And in the end He will reign on the earth 
          Dmaj7       C#m7      Bm7 
Though my flesh it be destroyed 
            E               D     E 
Yet with my eyes I will see God 

D E D A For I know that my Redeemer lives D Esus4 E A A/C# And I will stand with him on that day D E D A For I know that my Redeemer lives D Esus4 E A And I will stand with Him on that day
A E/A D/A A A/C# Oh my heart it yearns within me D Esus4 E For the day when Jesus returns A E/A D/A A A/C# Oh my heart it yearns within me D Esus4 E For the day when Jesus shall reign Dmaj7 C#m7 Bm7 Though my flesh it be destroyed E D E Yet with my eyes I will see God

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See also:

chords Rommel Guevarra - Ikaw Lamang

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