Joint Aktion


Joint Aktion

cavaco Beginner beginner


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   G                       C              D 
   There is no signal, not even a standby light 
   G                       C               D 
   No one is home and well something's not right 
           Em                               C        D             G      D 
   I could tell by your eyes that there was really nothing left to say 

G C D I'm hurt and I'm broken, I'm bleeding from the fall G C D I didn't expect it, didn't see it at all Em C D G D But now it's so obvious, you are more fucked up than I
Bridge: C D You could have told me before C D That you weren't really sure C D Now we've got everything to lose C D And I'm hanging from the noose Verse: G C D I guess we'll never know what's going through your fucking mind G C D Or what you were offered by the devil when you signed Em C D G D I hate you, I wish to erase you out of my head INSERT SOLO HERE
G C D I'm hurt and I'm broken, I'm bleeding from the fall G C D I didn't expect it, didn't see it at all Em C D G But now it's so obvious, you are more fucked up than I C D G You are more fucked up than I! C D G You are more fucked up than I!

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