
Kona Daze


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Kona Daze

Written by Malani Bilyeu


D                   Dmaj7 
On the road alone,  pulling a heavy load 
    D7                                G 
Thinking of all your beauty night and day 
D                                        A7 
My heart yearns for your touch,  but yearning hurts too much 
      G               A7           D    D7 
And I think I'm gonna miss my Kona Days 

G A7 F#m Bm Times I didn't need you hadn't felt so all alone G A7 D D7 Gotta find a way to get back to my island G A7 F#m Bm Lately my one dream has been returning to the leaves G A7 D Dsus-D-Dsus Golden summer winter through the day
Verse D Dmaj7 Ocean calls to me, velvet flowing sea D7 G Beauty morning, noon and all the day D A7 I lived my life with time, a day would pass to find G A7 D D7 That I think I'm gonna miss my Kona Days
G A7 F#m Bm Times I didn't need you hadn't felt so all alone G A7 D D7 Gotta find a way to get back to my island G A7 F#m Bm Lately my one dream has been returning to the leaves G A7 D Dsus-D-Dsus Golden summer winter through the day
Instrumental Verse D Dmaj7 On the road alone, pulling a heavy load D7 G Thinking of all your beauty night and day D A7 My heart yearns for your touch, but yearning hurts too much G A7 D D7 And I think I'm gonna miss my Kona Days
G A7 F#m Bm Times I didn't need you hadn't felt so all alone G A7 D D7 Gotta find a way to get back to my island G A7 F#m Bm Lately my one dream has been returning to the leaves G A7 D Dsus-D-Dsus Golden summer winter through the day
Verse D Dmaj7 Ocean calls to me, velvet flowing sea D7 G Beauty morning, noon and all the day D A7 I lived my life with time, a day would pass to find G A7 D D7 That I think I'm gonna miss my Kona Days
G A7 F#m Bm Times I didn't need you hadn't felt so all alone G A7 D D7 Gotta find a way to get back to my island G A7 F#m Bm Lately my one dream has been returning to the leaves

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