Karl Wolf

Africa Acoustic

Karl Wolf

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Africa Acoustic

	  		This is the version without "Culture" rapping, 
It's just what I got from listening to the acoustic version 

Em               C               G         D 
It's gonna take alot to drag me away from you 
Em                     C              G               D 
There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do 
Em          C             G    D 
I bless the rains down in Africa 
Em                   C              G               D 
It's gonna take some time to do the things we never had 

Em                             C                    G                  D 
And as I'm walking through the subway all I feel is everybodys piercingeyes  
Em                 C                    G                     D 
I'm following the footsteps, all I can imagine is that I'm a guy,  
Em             C                  G               D 
You never know maybe shes afraid, and everything around her is so damping, 
Em                C          G                D 
I feel like we've met before, Hurry boy shes waiting!  


Em                   C                    G                     D 
The sun is rising on east side, and every former life is waking up  
Em             C                         G                       D 
The feeling of seclusion makes you wanna dream away and fall in love  
Em             C           G 
She drags you in, not afraid  
           D          Em 
Everything feels like fate  
What wrong with you, don’t let her go  
G           D 
Hurry boy it's waiting  


{Instrumental Break}  
 Em             C                D 
Hurry boy it's waiting there for you  

(Down in A....)  
Em                C              G         D 
It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you  

(Ohh... )  
Em                     C              G               D 
There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do  

(No... oh...)  
Em           C            G    D 
I bless the rains down in Africa  

(Rains down in Africa...)  
Em           C            G    D 
I bless the rains down in Africa  

(Oh bless the rains...)  
Em           C            G    D 
I bless the rains down in Africa  

(Down in A...frica)  
Em          C             G    D 
I bless the rains down in Africa  
Down in A...frica)  
Em              C              G                D 
We're take some time to do the things we never had 

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