Kenny Rogers

I Can Feel You Drifting

Kenny Rogers

cavaco Beginner beginner


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I Can Feel You Drifting

	  		G                          C 
You took me out so far and I can't swim to shore 

G                    D7 
I've been holding on but you're not anymore 

G                                  C 
Our love would always lead us home constant as the northern star 

G                                   D7 
Here's a storm we won't get through cause it's not in your heart 

G              C         D7            G     D7 
I can feel you drifting  slowly out of reach 

G                C         D7                         G    D7 
Out there in the distance  there's something else you need 

G                    C        D7                   G 
If I could be what's missing  that's all I'd wanna be 

I can feel you drifting 

G                                C 
In the silence that's become the company we keep 

G                             D7 
I realize how far we are from what we used to be 

G                                     C 
A part of you has gone somewhere that I can't seem to touch 

G                                     D7 
I could stay and take what's left but baby that's not us 

G              C         D7            G     D7 
I can feel you drifting  slowly out of reach 

G                C         D7                         G    D7 
Out there in the distance  there's something else you need 

G                    C        D7                   G 
If I could be what's missing  that's all I'd wanna be 

I can feel you drifting 

G                    C        D7                   G 
If I could be what's missing  that's all I'd wanna be 

               C                        G 
I can feel you drifting  I can feel you drifting   

C             G 
You’re out of reach 

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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