Kylie Minogue

I Believe In You

Kylie Minogue

cavaco Beginner beginner


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I Believe In You

	  		Intro: C9 G C9 G 
       C9 G C9 G 
I don't believe you know me,  
Though you know my name.  
I don't believe the faults I have  
Are only mine to blame  
I don't believe in magic,  
Is only in the mind  
I don't believe i'd love somebody  
Just to pass the time..  
C C9 G But I believe in you C C9 G And I believe in you
C I don't believe that beauty, Will ever be replaced ww w. e- ch ords com G I don't believe a masterpiece Could ever match your face C The joker's always smiling In every hand thats dealt G I dont believe that when you die Your presence isn't felt
C C9 G But I believe in you C C9 G And I believe in you C C9 G But I believe in you C C9 G And I believe in you
C And if you ever have to go away G Nothing in my world could ever be the same C Nothing lasts for ever, but together til the end G I'll give you everything I have again and again C9 'Cause I believe In you, I believe In, G I Believe in you, I Believe in, C9 I Believe in you, I believe in, G I believe in you, I Believe in. C9 G 'Cause I believe in you C9 G And I believe in you C9 G But I believe in you C9 G And I believe in you
C9 I believe In you, I believe In, G I Believe in you, I Believe in, C9 I Believe in you, I believe in, G I believe in you, I Believe in.
C9 G I believe, I believe, I believe in you.... _________________________________ Tabber: pet er @ e - ch ords. com

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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