Lady Antebellum

Cant Take My Eyes Off You

Lady Antebellum

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Cant Take My Eyes Off You

	  		Intro: G C9 D 

I know that the bridges that I’ve burned 
          C9  D 
Along the way 
Have left me with these walls and these scars 
               C9  D 
That won’t go away 
F           E7     Am              E7      C 
And opening up has always been the hardest thing 
F         G 
Until you came 
C Am F G So lay here beside me just hold me and don’t let go C Am F G This feelin’ I’m feelin’ is somethin’ I’ve never known F G And I just can’t take my eyes off you F Eb A And I just can’t take my eyes off you
G I love when you tell me that I’m pretty C9 D When I just wake up G And I love how you tease me when I’m moody C9 D But it’s never too much F E7 Am E7 C I’m falling fast but the truth is I’m not scared at all F G You climbed my walls (Chorus) C Am F G So lay here beside me just hold me and don’t let go C Am F G This feelin’ I’m feelin’ is somethin’ I’ve never known F G And I just can’t take my eyes off you F Eb Bb And I just can’t take my eyes off you Eb Bb Off you Eb Bb A4 A Off you D Bm G A So lay here beside me just hold me and don’t let go D Bm G A And oh this feelin’ I’m feelin’ is somethin’ I’ve never known G A And I just can’t take my eyes off you G F C D And I just can’t take my eyes off you

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