
Cowards Way


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Cowards Way


Dsus2  E 

Verse 1:

C#m A G# How many times have I been through this before? C#m A B And every time I find an opening I lose the door, C#m A G# I've got to find it one day, my time will have to come, C#m A B It'll be so good to feel the wind and see the summer sun.
C#m A B My body's dying slowly, (so slowly, piece by piece), C#m A G# My life has got a hold of me (and it will not release), C#m A B If only I could break away (and lay myself to rest), C#m A G# C#m Bbm I know that it's the coward's way (but I think that it is best).
Interlude C#m F# C#m Bbm C#m F#
C#m A B My body's dying slowly, so slowly, piece by piece, C#m A G# My life has got a hold of me and it will not release, C#m A B If only I could break away and lay myself to rest, C#m A G# C#m Bm I know that it's the coward's way but I think that it is best,
C#m A B My body's dying slowly, (so slowly, piece by piece), C#m A G# My life has got a hold of me (and it will not release), C#m A B If only I could break away (and lay myself to rest), C#m A G# C#m Bbm I know that it's the coward's way (but I think that it is best).
Interlude C#m F# C#m Bbm C#m F#

Verse 2:

C#m A B How many times have I been through this before? C#m A G# And every time I find an opening I lose the door, C#m A B I've got to find it one day, my time will have to come, C#m A G# It'll be so good to feel the wind and see the summer sun.
C#m A B My body's dying slowly, (so slowly, piece by piece), C#m A G# My life has got a hold of me (and it will not release), C#m A B If only I could break away (and lay myself to rest), C#m A G# C#m Bbm I know that it's the coward's way (but I think that it is best).
Interlude C#m F# C#m Bbm C#m F# Outro C#m C#m (Fade Out)

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Half key step downHalf key step down
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