Matt Andersen

So Easy

Matt Andersen

cavaco Easy easy


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So Easy

Key:  C More
So Easy Key GG
So Easy Key G#G#
So Easy Key AA
So Easy Key A#A#(one step down)
So Easy Key BB(half step down)
So Easy Key CC(original key)
So Easy Key C#C#(half step up)
So Easy Key DD(one step up)
So Easy Key D#D#
So Easy Key EE
So Easy Key FF
So Easy Key F#F#


C G F Am G 
C G F Am G 

 C                             G 
Jane, cuts photos from the magazine 
                        F                      Am        G 
And the girls from the catwalks and the silver screen 
C                                G 
She wishes, she could live like them 
             F                   Am     G 
Everybody turning when she walks in 
F   C      Dm  Am     F    C                         G 
So easy,   so easy,   so easy to want what we don't have 

C G F Am G 

C                                 G 
He see's the laborers across the road 
                      F                       Am      G 
The car that their driving and the house they own 
C                                            G 
He wishes he could live like them 
                    F                          Am      G 
And never have to worry about the money they spend 
F   C      Dm  Am     F    C                         G 
So easy,   so easy,   so easy to want what we don't have 

Open you're eyes 
And you will find 
F                           C 
You've got everything you need 
You got someone to love 
Someone who loves you 
F                      C          G     F 
You've got all you're ever gonna need 

C G F Am G 
C G F Am G 

             C                   G 
I'm no different, I've done the same 
              F                               Am      G 
Forgot about living, while I was playing the game 
           C                           G 
No more wishing that I could be like them 
           F                 Am   G 
Perfectly happy just where I am 

F   C      Dm  Am     F    C                         G 
So easy,   so easy,   so easy to want what we don't have 
F   C      Dm  Am     F    C                         G 
So easy,   so easy,   so easy to want what we don't have 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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