Melanie Safka

Come All Ye Faithful

Melanie Safka

cavaco Easy easy


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Come All Ye Faithful


Intro: C  Cadd9  (4x) 

  C           G 
O Come All Ye Faithful 
C             G 
Joyful and triumphant 
  Am         G           D    G 
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem 
C          F    C 
Come and behold him 
F                G 
Born the king of angels 

  C                  G 
O come, let us adore him 
  C                  G 
O come, let us adore him 
  F             G    C  F 
O come, let us adore he-im 
C  G       C     Cadd9  C  Cadd9  C  Cadd9 
Christ the lord 

C               G 
Sing, choirs of angels 
C           G 
Sing in exultation 
Am          G              D    G 
Sing all ye citizens of heaven above 
C        F C  
Glory to god  
F      G 
In the highest 

  C                  G 
O come, let us adore him 
  C                  G 
O come, let us adore him 
  F             G    C  F 
O come, let us adore he-im 
C  G       C     Cadd9  C  Cadd9  C  Cadd9 
Christ the lord 

C             G 
Hail lord, we greet thee 
C               G 
Born this happy morning 
Am       G        D G 
Jesus to be the glorious 
C           F C      
Word of thy father 
F              G 
Now in flesh appearing 

  C       G 
Venite adoremus 
  C       G 
Venite adoremus 
  F    G    C F 
Venite adoremus 
C G C    Cadd9  C  Cadd9  C  Cadd9 

  C           G 
O Come All Ye Faithful 
C             G 
Joyful and triumphant 
  Am         G           D    G 
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem 
C          F    C 
Come and behold him 
F                G 
Born the king of angels 

  C                  G 
O come, let us adore him 
  C                  G 
O come, let us adore him 
  F             G    C  F 
O come, let us adore he-im 
C  G       C     
Christ the lord 

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