Melanie Safka

Fooling Yourself

Melanie Safka

cavaco Easy easy


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Fooling Yourself

	  		Melanie Safka - Fooling Yourself 
D                                   A 
To think I was a fool and I've been beaten 
  G                      A                 D 
A thought like that just kind of cramps my style 
But I'll get you some day for all your cheating 
    G                   A           D 
And from my face you're gonna see a smile 
Chorus 1: 
N.C.            A                      D 
You should have never told me that you love me 
    A                                D 
You knew I'd start believing it some day 
A                                 D 
Now you say you're leaving me for lonely 
B                             E     
Someone else is gonna come my way 
Chorus 2: 
N.C.       G                  A                    D 
You better take some time and think of what you're doing 
   G              A             Bm 
Before you throw away this harmony, yeah 
G                 A                    D 
I don't think you know just who's been losing 
'Cause you've been fooling yourself 
         A7                   D 
When you think you're fooling me 
I'm the kind of girl who don't mind crying 
G             A               D 
I ain't gonna shed a tear for you 
Unless you change your ways and stop your lying 
    G               A                 D 
I'm gonna change my mind about loving you 
Chorus 1: 
N.C.            A                      D 
You should have never told me that you love me 
    A                                D 
You knew I'd start believing it some day 
A                                 D 
Now you say you're leaving me for lonely 
B                             E     
Someone else is gonna come my way 
Chorus 2: 
N.C.       G                  A                    D 
You better take some time and think of what you're doing 
  G               A             Bm        
Before you throw away this harmony, yeah yeah 
G            A                    D 
You don't realise just who's been losing 
'Cause you've been fooling yourself 
         A7                   D 
When you think you're fooling me 
Fooling yourself 
Fooling yourself 
Are you fooling 
Fooling yourself? 
Are you fooling 
Fooling yourself? 
Are you fooling 
Fooling yourself? 

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