Melanie Safka

Secret Of The Darkness

Melanie Safka

cavaco Beginner beginner


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Secret Of The Darkness


There's no thought left un-stoned 
           C                     D 
There's no evil like the fear of harm 
And though good gets kicked around 
  C               D    G 
A little falls on everyone 
       C                        D 
I do believe when it's said and done 
       C               D    G 
That a little falls on everyone 
Where's the hand I can hold 
            C                     D 
Where's the fire when I'm feeling cold 
There's no warmth like the sun 
      C                D    G 
And a little shines on everyone 
       C                        D 
I do believe when it's said and done 
       C                D    G 
That a little shines on everyone 
    C   D  Em 
I believe 
I believe, I have heard the story  
(I believe) I believe (I believe)  
 Em                                      C 
About a man and the people called him saviour 
(I believe) I believe (I believe)  
      Em                                               C 
Well, he told the truth, but he never told the secret, oh 
(I believe) I believe (I believe)  
  Em                                     C 
I believe in the secret of the darkness, yeah 
(I believe) I believe (I believe)  
 Em                               C 
I believe in the power and the glory 
(I believe, I believe)  
Em                            C 
I believe we go on and on forever 
(I believe) I believe 
Em                        C 
I believe in life everlasting 
(I believe, I believe)  
Em                 D 
I believe I do____  
There's a path, there's a plan 
          C                      D 
There's a soul for man to travel in 
And when that travelling is done 
    C                  D     G 
The soul he loved will live again 
       C                        D 
I do believe when his life does end 
         C                 D     G 
That the love he gave will live again 
OUTRO:     (## adlib to end ##) 
    C                        D 
I believe when it's said and done 
       C               D    G 
That a little falls on everyone 
                    C                     D 
Though the good get kicked (gets kicked) around (around) 
  C               D    G 
A little falls on everyone 
                    C                     D 
Though the good get kicked (gets kicked) around (around) 
A little falls on everyone 
I, I do 
(I believe) I believe (I believe)  
  C               G 
A little falls on everyone 
             C                     D 
The good get kicked (gets kicked) around (around) 
  C                    G 
A little falls on everyone 
I, I do 
(I believe) I believe (I believe)  
  C               G 
A little falls on everyone 
             C                     D 
The good get kicked (gets kicked) around (around) 
  C                    G 
A little falls on everyone 

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