Melanie Safka

To Be The One

Melanie Safka

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To Be The One


Intro: C   F Am C   F Am C 
              F            G       Em    C 
The song that kills me, is playing lowly 
            F          G           C   
Plays in my heart when you turn to go 
              F            G             Em   C 
Lights dim to black, let’s light candles only 
          F        Am   G  
It’s only me in an afterglow 
N.C.          Am               C      G      
But to be the one, you turn to in the night 
          Am               C      G      
To be the one, riding your shadow light 
          Am             C      G      
To be the one, I would believe again 
          Am                C G C 
To be the one, I would give anything 
Instrumental: F  Am  G   C  F  C 
             F           G           Em     C 
I remember a dawn coming through the window 
              F            G      C   
And the black lines of the window frame 
                 F        G       Em      C 
And you riding toward the old inn doorway 
           F         Am   G 
Leading to no more remembering 
N.C.          Am                 C        G      
But to be the one, right in this here and now 
          Am                  C       G      
To be the one, who could live in your heart 
          Am               C       G      
To be the one, it would be real to dream 
          Am                C G Am 
To be the one, I would give anything 
Instrumental: G  Dm  F  Am D G   Dm  F G 
        C              F   
It’s my heart in these words 
            G           Em    C 
And there’s truth in forever 
             F           G       Am   
Forever I’ll love you, beyond my time 
    C           F        G         Em       C 
The body of the song, it goes on a journey 
         F          Am            G   
Only the singer can breathe it to life 
N.C.          Am                C        G      
But to be the one, sharing your life and breath 
          Am                C    G      
To be the one, filling your emptiness 
         Am                       C          G      
One leap toward heaven, please be my song to sing 
          Am                C G C 
To be the one, I would give anything 
     (## key change - up 1 semitone ##) 
N.C.      Bbm               Db       Ab      
To be the one, sharing your life and breath 
          Bbm               Db   Ab      
To be the one, filling your emptiness 
         Bbm            Db           Ab      
One leap toward heaven, please be my song 
          Bbm               Db Ab Bbm 
To be the one, I would give anything 
OUTRO:   (## repeat 4x and fade to end ##) 
      Db  Ab      Bbm 

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