Mickey Newbury

Some Dreams Never Die

Mickey Newbury

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Some Dreams Never Die

Written by Mickey Newbury

	  		Some Dreams Never Die  

E                       D                     C#7 
Reach into your pocket, cast a dream into the sky 
    F#m                                     B    Bsus4  B  
One dream will always fly, some dreams live forever  

E                                D                     C#7 
And when everything is hopeless, spread your wings and try  
F#m                       B                  E  
Some dreams live forever, some dreams never die  

     Bm                      D                                 A     G 
When you are in the darkness look to where the old lamplighter prays  
If you will call his name, he will light his lamp  
    B7       C#7       D#m 
And you will find your way  

Reach into your pocket... 

Some dreams live forever  
Some dreams live forever  
Some dreams never die 

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Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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