Mickey Newbury

The Last Question In The Dead Of The Night

Mickey Newbury

cavaco Intermediate intermediate


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The Last Question In The Dead Of The Night

	  		The Last Question (In the Dead of the Night) 

E                  A                     G#m  F#m 
How can I feel so alive with you darlin'  
       B           E 
In the dead of the night  
                       A                G#m  F#m 
Why do I reach out for you every mornin' 
       B              E  
At the first sign of light  

A                         E 
How could I not know you knew you were leavin'  
How could I not realize  
E                    A                   G#m  F#m 
How could I not know you were pretending  
              B                 E 
Where did the truth lie in your eyes  

Why do I feel so much love for you darlin'  
Feel so much love deep inside  
Oh why do I still feel alive with you darlin'  
Here in the dead of the night  

How could I not know you were only pretending  
How could I not realize  
How could I not know you knew you were leaving  
Where did the truth lie in your eyes  

Where did the truth lie in your eyes  
In the dead of the night 

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Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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