Mika Maruyama

The Machine And The Crow

Mika Maruyama

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The Machine And The Crow

Written by Andrew Allanson

	  		Intro Dm  C  Bb  Am 

I am awake 

I am walking in this scene 
You say to me "I am only machine." 

Blah blah blah blah blah blah 
I shake my head 
Dm                           C         Dm 
You are the best friend that I've ever had 

I am asleep 

I am dreaming in this scene 
I've got a crow, and the Crow's name is Marlene 
She has no wings she was never a Fly bird 
F                            Am         Dm  Gbm C 
She is the worst friend that I've ever had 

Let's meet in a dream 
C                        Bm                       Am 
And I will laugh because you are only a silly old machine 
C                                Em 
Nobody I know cares about a dumb machine 
                     C                            Bm 
Lets meet in a dream and I will laugh because you are only a silly 
Old machine 
C                                E 
Nobody I know cares about a dumb machine 

You say that "That was mean" 
Am                      F                                  Dm 
I that only I would say so many things that you would find obscene 

To watch my tongue, so I don't hurt nobody else 

Then I turn to hear 
                                     Am                      Dm 
Her face is screwed up in this agonizing, painful, crying stare 
Her head begins spark as water lines her face 
I loved my machine 
Gm                         F 
I didn't mean to break her plastic body 
Wasn't this a dream? 
                                            C     A5 
I wouldn't have said that if this was not a dream! 

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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