Misc Christmas

Come Jesus Prince Of Peace

Misc Christmas

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Come Jesus Prince Of Peace


Em  D  Bm  C  Bm  Em  B7 

Verse 1:

Em D Bm C Am B7 Come, O come, Em-man-u-el, come to us and stay. Em D Bm C Bm Em Come, O come, Em-man-u-el, could this be the day?
G Am D Em Am Bsus4 B7 Jesus, Prince of Peace, hope of all the earth. Em D Bm C Bm Em Come, O come, Em-man-u-el, we await Your birth.

Verse 2:

Em D Bm C Am B7 Come, O come, Em-man-u-el, joy of heav'n come down. Em D Bm C Bm Em Come, O come, Em-man-u-el, King without a crown.
G Am D Em Am Bsus4 B7 Jesus, Prince of Peace, come to guide our way Em D Bm C Bm Em Come, O come, Em-man-u-el, live in us today

Verse 3:

Em D Bm C Am B7 Come, O come, Em-man-u-el, Branch of Jesse's tree. Em D Bm C Bm Em Come, O come, Em-man-u-el, set Your children free.
G Am D Em Am Bsus4 B7 Jesus, Prince of Peace, gentle as a dove. Em D Bm C Bm Em D7 Come, O come, Em-man-u-el, Messenger of love.
Outro G G Am D7 Em Rejoice! Rejoice! Em-man-u-el D G C Am Bm Em B7 Shall come to thee, O Is - ra-el! Em D Bm C Bm Em Come, O come, Em-man-u-el, we await Your birth.

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