Misc Originals

Bluebird - Obsession

Misc Originals

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Bluebird - Obsession


C Am 
C Am 

Verse 1:

C Am I watch the rain go down C Am Soft taps upon my crown C Am the royal pain, the sounds C Am Her thunder moves me now C Am I see the sun at night C Am her heat upon my eyes C Am Her burning appetite C Am I知 all but set alight
F C E the trees they fell their leaves Am F when there痴 no longer need C E but I am sick with greed Am I値l keep you here with me F C E And you値l carve carefully my form Am F Erode me till I知 worn C E N.C. And from emptiness I知 born C Am C Am

Verse 2:

C Am a love like forest fire C Am I値l lay upon your pyre C Am Consumed by your desire C Am we値l burn til we grow tired C Am your touch upon my skin C Am its cold, it痴 digging in C Am the glacier and mountain C Am im left remembering
F C E the trees they fell their leaves Am F when there痴 no longer need C E but I am sick with greed Am I値l keep you here with me F C E And you値l carve carefully my form Am F Erode me till I知 worn C E Am And from emptiness I知 born
Bridge F C E Am F C E Am
F C E the trees they fell their leaves Am F when there痴 no longer need C E but I am sick with greed Am I値l keep you here with me F C E And you値l carve carefully my form Am F Erode me till I知 worn C E N.C. And from emptiness I知 born

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