
Gained The World


cavaco Beginner beginner


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Gained The World

	  		Intro: D#m G# C#m D#m G# C#m G#     C#m D#m G# C#m 

I heard I lost it 
D#              Bb F#  
On the grapevine 
I must admit 
C#m7     D#        Bb 
I had a great time 
F#        D#m                 Bb      
There are words for people like me 
C#m               G#          D#m7 
But I don't think there's very many 

G# C#m D#m I've gained the world then lost my soul G# C#m D#m Maybe it's cause I'm getting old G# C#m D#m All the people that I know F# G# C#m Bb Have gained the world then lost their souls
C#m C#m7 D#m Bb There's no persuasion that I'm into C#m D# Bb I've made some sense of what we've been through F# D#m Bb C#m We should form a new foundation D# F# If we could find the right location F# Is it prey F# On display G# C#m D# D#m7 I'm feeling well
G# C#m D#m I've gained the world then lost my soul G# C#m D#m Maybe it's cause I'm getting old G# C#m D#m All the people that I know F# G# C#m D# Have gained the world then lost their souls
C#m7 C#m D# I've gained the world then lost my soul C#m7 C#m Bb D#m Maybe it's cause I'm getting old C#m7 Cm7 All the people that I know C#m7 Cm7 Bb Have gained the world then lost their souls

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