
Every Day is Like Sunday


cavaco Beginner beginner

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Every Day is Like Sunday

	  		C                         F 
  Trudging slowly over wet sand 
            C                   Em             F 
Back to the bench where your clothes were stolen 
         Am          G 
This is the coastal town 
          C                F 
That they forgot to close down 
                Am                             G 
Armageddon - come Armageddon  come Armageddon  come 
C      Em           F 
  Every day is like Sunday 
C             Em             F 
  Every day is silent and grey 
C                                       F 
  Hide on the promenade, etch on a postcard 
     C                Em        F 
How I dearly wish I was not here 
     Am        G 
In this seaside town 
C             F              Am                   G 
That they forgot to bomb   Come bomb,   Nuclear bomb 
C       Em           F 
  Every day is like Sunday 
C           Em             F 
  Every day is silent and grey 
          Am                     G 
  Trudging back over pebbles and sand 
      C                            G 
and a strange dust lands on your hands 
          F                 G             F              G 
and on your face, on your face... on your face, on your face 
 Chorus : 
C       Em           F 
  Every day is like Sunday 
C        Em      F 
  Win yourself a cheap trey 
C          Em              F 
Share some grease tea with me 
C             Em             F 
  Every day is silent and grey 


Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

See also:

chords Bryan Ferry - The 'In' Crowd

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