Noel Gallagher

Stop The Clocks

Noel Gallagher

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Stop The Clocks


Intro: A 

  A                            Em7 
Stop the clocks and turn the world around 
      G       Dadd9    A 
Let your love lay me down 
             Em7             G     Dadd9   A 
And when the night is over there'll be no sound 
 A                        Em7 
Lock the box and leave it all behind 
           G     Dadd9 A 
On the backseat of my mind 
             Em7             G   Dadd9   A 
And when the night is over where will I rise? 

Fmaj7                G        Dadd9    A 
What if I'm already dead, how would I know? 
Fmaj7                G        Dadd9    E        E7   A 
What if I'm already dead, how would I know... 

A                         Em7 
Lost inside my head behind the wall 
         G      Dadd9   A 
Do they hear me when I call? 
              Em7            G   Dadd9  A 
But when the night is over where will I fall? 
              Em7            G   Dadd9  A 
And when the fight is over where will I fall? 

Fmaj7                G        Dadd9    A 
What if I'm already dead, how would I know? 
Fmaj7                G        Dadd9     E    E7   
What if I'm already dead, how would I know... 

A E G Dadd9 Fmaj7 G  
A E G Dadd9 Fmaj7 E 
Fmaj7 E 
Fmaj7 G A 

  A                            Em7 
Stop the clocks and turn the world around 
      G        Dadd9  A 
Let your love lay me down 
             Em7             G      Dadd9  A 
And when the night is over there'll be no sound 
             Em7             G     Dadd9   A 
And now the night is over there'll be no sound 
             Em7           G      Dadd9   A 
And now my fight is over there'll be no sound... 

outro: A E G Dadd9 Fmaj7 E (2x) 
       Fmaj7 E  
       Fmaj7 G (3x) 

       A E G Dadd9 (4x) 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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