Old Dominion

Some Horses

Old Dominion

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Some Horses

rd FRET Intro Am Em G F G F

Verse 1:

Am Em I'm fast, I'm free F I turn my face against the wind G F If someone tries to fence me in Am Em I have to see F What's beyond the beaten path Always on to greener grass


C And that's what you love about me Dm G And the reason you're without me
Am G I race and I run, I keep chasin' the sun F C When I'm done, you see nothin' but dust Am G I'm restless and rare with the wind in my hair F C Going somewhere that I never was Am G You were holdin' me knowin' I couldn't be broken F C And now you're just holdin' the reins Am G I'll love you forever, you should have known better F C Some horses can never be tamed
{Instrumental} Am Em F F

Verse 2:

Am Em I might not be F The painted sunset that you chose Am But not too many get that close, yeah Em It's so bittersweet F I finally found an open field I couldn't stand just standing still


C And that's what you love about me Dm G And the reason you're without me
Am G I race and I run, I keep chasin' the sun F C When I'm done, you see nothin' but dust Am G I'm restless and rare with the wind in my hair F C Going somewhere that I never was Am G You were holdin' me knowin' I couldn't be broken F C And now you're just holdin' the reins Am G I'll love you forever, you should have known better F C Some horses can never be tamed
{Instrumental} Am Em F C F C F


C And that's what you love about me Dm G And the reason you're without me
Am G I race and I run, I keep chasin' the sun F C When I'm done, you see nothin' but dust Am G I'm restless and rare with the wind in my hair F C Going somewhere that I never was Am G You were holdin' me knowin' I couldn't be broken F C And now you're just holdin' the reins Am G I'll love you forever, you should have known better F C Some horses can never be tamed Am G I'll love you forever, you should have known better F C Some horses can never be tamed
Outro Am Em G F G F Am

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