Oliver Tree

I'm Gone

Oliver Tree

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I'm Gone

Written by Dylan Wiggins, Oliver Tree Nickell

Tell me what you want, maybe I was wrong 
Lately that's a lot, is this what you wanted? 

Tell me what you need, nothing comes for free 
Fm                              Eb 
   Please just tell me what you wanted 
D                    Gm 
I wanted less and less I guess that 
This is why I left 

               Eb    Bb 
That's why I'm gone, forever long 
I'm gone 

They will always find you 
Eb    Bb 
Gone, forever long 
I'm gone 
C         Cm     F 
They will always find you 

I'm running out of options 
Bb                    D 
   It happens way too often 
Gm           Fm                          D       
   I started running into problems again 
                   Bb                     D 
It happens way too often for me to forget 
     D           G 
It's easier said than done 

Gm                F 
Something's in my head 
Bb                 D 
I thought this was it 
Gm              F 
How could I forget? 
Bb            D 
This is why I left 

               Eb    Bb 
That's why I'm gone, forever long 
I'm gone 

They will always find you 
Eb    Bb 
Gone, forever long 
I'm gone 
They will always find you 

Tell me what you want, maybe I was wrong 
Lately, it's a lot, is this what you wanted? 

Tell me what you need, nothing comes for free 
Gm          F                       Eb 
Please just tell me what you wanted 
           D                Bb              D 
You wanted more, but it was never enough of course 
Stop acting selfish 

( Gm  F  C  Bb  D )  

               Eb       Bb 
That's why I'm gone, forever long 
I'm gone 

They will always find you 
Eb    Bb   
Gone, forever long 
I'm gone 

They will always find you 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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