Paul Weller

Foot Of The Mountain (Live At Royal Albert Hall)

Paul Weller

cavaco Intermediate intermediate


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Foot Of The Mountain (Live At Royal Albert Hall)

Year: 1994 -

Written by , Paul John Weller

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Intro: // N.C. : TAB :3 (Am7 :2 A7sus4 : Am7 : A7sus2 : D7sus2 :2 D7sus4 :1)x2 e|-------------------------------------------------------|----| B|-------------------------------------------------------|----| G|--------0-------0--------------------------------------|----| D|0---2-------------------0-1h-0p------------------------|----| A|--------------------------------3-------0--------------|0---| E|------------------------------------------------3------|----| (h Hammer on, p Pull off)
Am7 A7sus4 Am7 A7sus2 D7sus2 D7sus4 x2 // (Am7 :4 D7sus2 :2 D7sus4 :1)x3 Am :4 D7sus2 :4 Am7 D7sus2 D7sus4 Like a dream on the ocean Am7 D7sus2 D7sus4 Always drifting away Am7 D7sus2 D7sus4 And I can't catch up Am D7sus2 She just skips away - on the tide Instrumental: 1 // (Am7 :2 A7sus4 : Am7 : A7sus2 : D7sus2 :2 D7sus4 :1)x2 (Am7 A7sus4 Am7 A7sus2 D7sus2 D7sus4)x2 // (Am7 :4 D6 :4)x3 Bbmaj7 :4 Am :4 Am7 D6 Sometimes a great notion Am7 D6 Can lead you astray Am7 D6 So weak to devotion Bbmaj7 Am So strong to desire // (Bbmaj7 :4 C :4)x3 Am :4 D6 :4
Bbmaj7 C Come on baby baby won't you let me ride Bbmaj7 C Take me off on your sail boat ride Bbmaj7 C Come on Angels are on your side Am D6 She slips away - oh never stays
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Instrumental: 2 // (Am7 :2 A7sus4 : Am7 : A7sus2 : D7sus2 :2 D7sus4 :1)x3 Am :4 E : TAB :3 (Am7 A7sus4 Am7 A7sus2 D7sus2 D7sus4)x3 Am E e|-------------------------------------------------------|----| B|-------------------------------------------------------|----| G|--------0-------0--------------------------------------|----| D|0---2-------------------0-1h-0p------------------------|----| A|--------------------------------3-------0--------------|0---| E|------------------------------------------------3------|----| (h Hammer on, p Pull off)
// (Am7 :4 D6 :4)x3 (Am7 :4 D7sus2 :4)x4 Am7 D6 Like mercury gliding Am7 D6 Silver teardrop that falls Am7 D6 And I can't hold her Am7 D7sus2 Through my fingers she's gone - through my fingers she's gone Am7 D7sus2 Through my fingers she's gone - through my fingers she's gone Am7 D7sus2 Through my fingers she's gone - through my fingers she's gone Am7 D7sus2 Through my fingers she's gone // (Am7 :4 D6 :4)x3 Bbmaj7 :4 Am :4 Am7 D6 At the foot of the mountain Am7 D6 Such a long way to climb Am7 D6 How will I ever get up there Bbmaj7 Am But I know I must try // (Bbmaj7 :4 C :4)x3 Am :4 D6 :4
Bbmaj7 C Come on baby baby won't you let me ride Bbmaj7 C Take me off on your sail boat ride Bbmaj7 C Come on Angels are on your side Am D6 But she slips away - oh never stays
Instrumental: 3 // (Am7 :4 D6 :4)x22 Am7 D6 x22 // (Am7 :4 D6 :4)x7 Am7 D6 Like a dream on the ocean Am7 D6 Always drifting away Am7 D6 And I can't catch up Am7 D6 She just skips away - on the tide Am7 D6 Just slips away - on the tide Am7 D6 She just slips away - on the tide Am7 D6 Aah skip away - she glides she glides Instrumental: // (Am7 :4 D6 :4)x3 Am7 :4 E : TAB :3 Am Am7 D6 x3 Am7 E
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e|-------------------------------------------------------|----| B|-------------------------------------------------------|----| G|--------0-------0--------------------------------------|----| D|0---2-------------------0-1h-0p------------------------|----| A|--------------------------------3-------0--------------|0---| E|------------------------------------------------3------|----| (h Hammer on, p Pull off)

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See also:

chords Bryan Ferry - The 'In' Crowd

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