Paul Weller

Ship Of Fools

Paul Weller

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Ship Of Fools

Written by Paul Weller


Intro C  G/B  Am  F 

Verse 1:

C G/B Am Oh boy! These high seas can be so cruel F When you're trying to find your own way C G/B Am And girl, that man of war's a fool F C G/B Am F I wouldn't follow him anywhere

Verse 2:

C G/B Am Big, small, they all swim 'round their bowls F I don't care for their wishes C G/B Am All striving to be better than F Those other fishes
Am C/G Em E Try before the storm Am C/G Em E To dive, swim to shore Dm F 'Til you can't see that boat anymore
Solo C G/B Am F C G/B Am F Dm G Dm G


Dm G And as the storm takes flight Em G Still no land in sight Dm G Let the four winds blow Dm G Am Let 'em go, let 'em blow, I know Em 'Til they're so far away

Verse 3:

C G/B Am On board this ship of fools we go F I don't care for their wishes
Solo C G/B Am F C G/B Am F C G/B Am F C G/B Am F

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See also:

chords Bryan Ferry - The 'In' Crowd

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