What Christmas Really Means


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What Christmas Really Means


G          A         Bm 
The Trees been decorated 
        G        D       A 
Little faces are all aglow. 
G          A           Bm 
The tinsel shines like silver, 
      G                  A 
On the presents placed below. 
G           A                Bm  
The Manger Scenes on the table, 
            G                  D        A 
You see the wonder in your childrens eyes. 
        G      A                Bm 
What a perfect night to tell them, 
      A                Bm 
Jesus came to make it right,  
He made it right. 

D A And Daddy teach your little boy G D What Christmas really means. G D Tell him bout the silent night, G A Tell him bout the star bright. D A And Momma teach your little girl G D That Jesus, came into this world. G D So meek and lowly, G A Bm But that He would make us holy in his sight. G A D And tell them Jesus, is what Christmas really means
VERSE 2 G A Bm Mother Mary in a Manger, G D A The only place to lay her head was here. G A Bm She gave birth to the Savior, G A and the angels came to cheer. G A Bm Wise men came from a far land, G D A Bearing gifts meant only for a king. G A Bm They found a baby on a straw bed A Bm And they heard the angels sing, A Glory to the newborn king.
D A And Daddy teach your little boy G D What Christmas really means. G D Tell him bout the silent night, G A Tell him bout the star bright. D A And Momma teach your little girl G D That Jesus, came into this world. G D So meek and lowly, G A Bm But that He would make us holy in his sight. G A D And tell them Jesus, is what Christmas really means
BRIDGE: G D Tell them baby Jesus A Bm Was sent that silent night C G A To conquer sin and death for all mankind
D A And Daddy teach your little boy G D What Christmas really means. G D Tell him bout the silent night, G A Tell him bout the star bright. D A And Momma teach your little girl G D That Jesus, came into this world. G D So meek and lowly, G A Bm But that He would make us holy in his sight. G A D And tell them Jesus, is what Christmas, really means

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See also:

chords Rommel Guevarra - Ikaw Lamang

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