Phil Ochs

I Shoulda Known Better

Phil Ochs

cavaco Intermediate intermediate


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I Shoulda Known Better

Intro: E  A  E  A 

verse 1 
   E  A  E                                       C#m 
So I       shoulda known better with a girl like you, 
             E                        C#m 
That I would love everything that you do 
      A           B          E  A  E 
And I do, hey hey hey, and I do 

   E  A E                                   C#m 
So I       never realized what a kiss could be 
     E                    C#m 
That this could happen to me, 
          A              B 
Can't you see, can't you see? 

C#m                       E           E 
That when I tell you that I love you, oh 
C#m                          E  A   E 
You're gonna say you love me too,   oo 
F#m                      E      C#m 
And when I ask you to be mi     ne 
A            B               E   A   E 
You're gonna say you love me too 

verse 2 
   E  A  E                                  C#m 
So I       shoulda realized a lot of things before 
           E                           C#m 
If this is love, you've got to give me more 
        A             B            E   A   E 
Give me more, hey hey hey, give me more 

C#m                       E           E 
That when I tell you that I love you, oh 
C#m                          E  A   E 
You're gonna say you love me too,   oo 
F#m                      E      C#m 
And when I ask you to be mi     ne 
A            B               E   A   E 
You're gonna say you love me too 

verse 3 
   E  A  E                                  C#m 
So I       shoulda realized a lot of things before 
           E                           C#m 
If this is love, you've got to give me more 
        A             B            E   A   E 
Give me more, hey hey hey, give me more 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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