
Sneakin Sally Through The Alley


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Sneakin Sally Through The Alley

	  		Intro: B E D B (x2) 

B B E D B Sneaking Sally through the alley... B B E D B Sneaking Sally through the alley...

Verse 1:

B B E D B Sneaking Sally through the alley... tryin'a keep her outta sight B B E D B Sneaking Sally through the alley... when out pops the wife B B E D B Well I can't find nothing wrong with being friends, 'cause sometimes... she lets me use the car B B E D B If you can't find nothing wrong with your mind, you'd better, you'd better find something wrong with her


E A E D A E Well I begin to try to explain, that it just wasn't, (just wasn't) just wasn't what she thought B B E D B I'd better find something to do with my time. I've just been caught.
B B E D B Sneaking through the alley with Sally... Sneakin'! B B E D B Sneaking Sally through the alley...
Instrumental: B E D B (x4)

Verse 2:

B B E D B Sneaking Sally through the alley... tryin' to get away clean B B E D B Sneaking Sally through the alley... when out popped the queen B B E D B Tryin'a talk double talk, get yourself in trouble talk, catching myself in lies. B B E D B Mama, come look at me just like I was crazy, she didn't even bat an eye


E A E D A E Well I begin to try to explain, that it just wasn't, just wasn't what she thought B B E D B I'd better find something to do with my time. I've just been caught.
B B E D B Sneaking Sally through the alley... B B E D B Sneaking Sally through the alley...
Jam in B major blues B

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