Post Malone

Never Love You Again (feat. Sierra Ferrell)

Post Malone

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Never Love You Again (feat. Sierra Ferrell)

Intro: C  G  C  F  C 

Verse 1:

C F C F C There's a bad moon hangin' over the city C F G G C G F I can't hear no hymns on the wind C F C F C As I pour up that glass of "forgive me" C G C F C Hungover off what could've been
Am F C F C It's a long, lost highway Am F G C/G And this road ain't my friend Am F C F C I love you 'til tomorrow Am G C F C And I'll never love you again

Verse 2:

C F C F C Saw the Bible on your dresser C F G C G Save some forgiveness for me C F C Baby, this ain't no ol' cowboy western C G C 'Cause I won't be lookin' back when I leave
Am F C F C It's a long, lost highway Am F G C G And this road ain't my friend Am F C F C I love you 'til tomorrow Am G C F C And I'll never love you again
Solo: C F C F C F G Am F C F C G C Final: Am F C F C It's a long, lost highway Am F G C G And this road ain't my friend Am F C F C I love you 'til tomorrow Am G C F C And I'll never love you again Am7 G C Girl I'll never love you again

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