Rascal Flatts

Summer Nights

Rascal Flatts

cavaco Beginner beginner


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Summer Nights

Written by Mike Busbee/Brett James/Gary LeVox

	  		Rascal Flatts                     Summer Nights 

Intro:B, A, G, G, A, B, B, A, G, G, A, B, B, A, G,G, A, B, B, A, G,G, A,B 
         B  A  G                 G  A  B 
Come on ladies, It's time to pop that top 
    B  A  G                      G  A  B 
And fellas, I know you're ready to rock 
         B A G  B    A       G 
We went crazy, coped up all winter long 
              G       A     B 
And school is out so let's get it on 
   B   A   G                                  G  A  B 
Flip flop tan and some white sand I know the perfect spot 

Well, the sunset better set soon so we can get in the mood 
things start getting all heated up when it starts getting cool-yeah 

   B   A  G       G       A    B         B   A      G          
Summer nights everybody are you with me let that igloo coller mark your  
          G A B     B  A   B                  G     A   G         B   
piece of paradise, Summer nights everybody's feeling sexy holler if you're 
  G        G  A   B             B A G B G A B B A G G A B 
ready for summer nights  come on                          oh yeah,yeah 

Now fellas, you better watch your step don't let those teeny french  

bikinies make you lose your breath back to the ladies Y'all keep doing  

Y'alls thing 
guitar lick 
B--10b--10b--10b--10b----|  meantime:B A G 
   B      A  G                        G   A  B 
cause everything about you makes me wanna scream 
     G                    A              B           G         G         B 
the sun is getting low, there it goes, here we go, here comes the moon when 
                    A                 B 
it starts getting heated up when it starts getting cool 
        (repeat Chorus) 
 solo:F, G, A, F, G, A  
               G  A                                 B       G  
 oh it's a party down in Padre big bonfireh on the beach coronas in  
                     A                  B 
Daytona, y'all well, it's wild and it's free 
        (repeat Chorus twice) 
   B    A G     G    A  B     B     A      G         G         A      B 
Yeah, yeah are you ready for some summer nights everybody's feeling sexy  
  B  A  G     G,A,B,B,A,G x10 
summer nights 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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