Rich Mullins

My Deliverer

Rich Mullins

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My Deliverer

Year: 1998 - Album: The Jesus Record

Written by Mitch McVicker/Rich Mullins

	  		My Deliverer 
 Cm                     Ab2         Eb/G 
 Fm7  Eb/G     Ab2         Fm7   Ebmaj7/G      Ab2  Bb 

Cm                                    Bb           Ab            Eb 
   Joseph took his wife and her child    and they went to Africa 
Ab                    Cm                  Gsus  G 
   To escape the rage    of a deadly king 
Cm                                    Bb       Ab                   Eb 
   There along the banks of the Nile,    Jesus listened to the song  
Ab                      Cm                 Gsus 
   That the captive chil-dren used to sing  
   They were singin'  
Cm Ab           Cm     Ab        Eb   Bb                Ab  Bb 
My Deliverer is coming - my Deliv - erer is standing by  
Cm Ab           Cm     Ab        Eb   Bb                Ab 
My Deliverer is coming - my Deliv - erer is standing by 
  Ab         Cm   Ab        Cm   Ab        Eb   Bb 
  Ab    Bb   Cm   Ab        Cm   Ab        Eb   Bb         Ab 
Cm                                 Ab2                            Eb 
   Through a dry and thirsty land, wa-ter from the Kenyon heights  
Ab                          Cm                       G  G 
   Pours itself out of Lake    Sangra's broken heart  
Cm                            Bb      Ab                       Eb 
   There in the Sahara winds, Je-sus heard the whole world cry  
Ab                             Cm                     G 
   For the healing that would flow from His own scars  
     The world was singing  
Cm Ab           Cm     Ab        Eb      Bb             Ab  Bb 
My Deliverer is coming - my Deliv - erer is standing by  
Cm Ab           Cm     Ab        Eb      Bb             Ab 
My Deliverer is coming - my Deliv - erer is standing by  
Ab                      Eb/G                  Ab     Eb/G    Gm     Ab  Bb 
He will never break His prom-ise - He has writ - ten  it  up-on the sky  
Cm Ab           Cm     Ab         Eb     Bb             Ab 
My Deliverer is coming - my Deliv - erer is standing by  
Dm Bb           Dm     Bb         F      C              Bb  C 
My Deliverer is coming - my Deliv - erer is standing by  
Dm Bb           Dm     Bb         F      C              Bb 
My Deliverer is coming - my Deliv - erer is standing by  
                       F/A                Bb       F/A      Am       Bb  C 
I will never doubt His prom-ise though I doubt my heart, I doubt my eyes  
Dm Bb           Dm     Bb         F      C              Bb 
My Deliverer is coming - my Deliv - erer is standing by  
Ebm B            Ebm     B          Gb     Db             B   Db 
My  Deliverer is com-ing - my Deliv - erer is standing by  
Ebm B            Ebm     B          Gb     Db             B  
My  Deliverer is com-ing - my Deliv - erer is standing by  
                        Gb/Bb                  B           Gb/Bb       Bbm      B   Db 
He will never break His prom - ise though the stars should break faith with the sky  
Ebm B            Ebm     B          Gb     Db             B   Db 
My  Deliverer is com-ing - my Deliv - erer is standing by  
Ebm B            Ebm     B          Gb     Db             B   Db 
My  Deliverer is com-ing - my Deliv - erer is standing by  
My Deliverer is coming - my Deliverer is standing by  
My Deliverer is coming - my Deliverer is standing by  
My Deliverer is coming - my Deliverer is standing by  
My Deliverer is coming - my Deliverer is standing by  
My Deliverer is coming - my Deliverer is standing by  
 Ebm    B        Gb    Db       B          Ebm    B       

 Ebm    B        Gb    Db      B2 
 Gb/Bb            B     Gb/Bb      Bbm    B  Db 

Ebm    B           Ebm     B       
My  De-liv-erer is com-ing  
 Gb   Db      B           Gb  Db      B  


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See also:

chords Rommel Guevarra - Ikaw Lamang

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