
(do You Get) Excited?


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(do You Get) Excited?

	  		(Do You Get )Excited?  

Bm   A   E   Bm    A   E   Bm  

                              Bm   A                E            Bm  
When the day gets dark          over a thousand streets  

                            Bm   A           Gsus2 G  
And you feel your heart           is a living  beat  

                        D   A        E           Bm  
When you're all alone and you close your eyes,  

                         A              G      A/G    Gmaj7    A  
Naked to the bone,the dream comes alive  

              Dm    C   Bb   F                 Dm           C          Bb            C  
Do you get excit-         ed, when I touch you in the night? My oh my!  

              Dm    C   Bb   F                 Dm           C          Bb  
Do you get excit-         ed, when I meet you every night?  

                   Bb      Asus4        D    A   G   A  
You won't let the night pass you by  

When your body's hot, the window's open wide  

                                        A                G  
This moment's all you got in this race of life  

                   D          A           E         Bm  
When you feel the fire is getting close to you  

                                 A       G    A/G Gmaj7   A  
Hey baby, you know I'm lonely too  

              Dm     C   Bb   F                 Dm          C          Bb            C  
Do you get excit-         ed, when I touch you in the night? My oh my!  

              Dm     C    Bb   F                 Dm           C          Bb  
Do you get excit-         ed, when I meet you every night?  

                   Bb      Asus4        D    A   G   A  
You won't let the night pass you by  


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