
From Head To Toe




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From Head To Toe

Written by Per Gessle

	  		Intr: F C Bb C (4x) 
    F                  Dm            Bb                   C 
I knew, the minute I saw you, that we, we were two of a kind. 
        F                  Dm                  Bb                C 
And I knew, yea, when I danced with you, I've got in a miracle mine. 
                     F                     Dm     Bb  C 
To keep my head up high, to keep my love alive. Yea yea yea 
              F       C         Bb          C          F   C 
You go from head to toe, this mystery has taken over me, I know. 
      Bb                 C                  F       C 
You make the true love shine. You go from head to toe, 
      Bb               C            F   C           Bb                 C      
             F C Bb C 
there's all emotions flowing over me, I know. You make the true love shine,  
It's eye to eye 
            F                    Dm 
Well I've had a love that once blinded me, 
      Bb                    C 
but now it makes me wanna cry. 
            F                         Dm 
Well, her heart is soaked with such cruelty, 
      Bb                     C                              F 
her hello just sounds like goodbye. But I keep my head up high, 
                 Dm      Bb  C 
I keep my love alive. Yea yea yea. 
              F       C         Bb          C          F   C 
You go from head to toe, this mystery has taken over me, I know. 
      Bb                 C                  F       C 
You make the true love shine. You go from head to toe, 
       Bb              C            F   C           Bb                 C 
there's all emotions flowing over me, I know. You make the true love shine  
solo: D#m Bbm D#m Bbm G# C# G# C# 
             F#                            D#m    B   C# 
To keep my head up high, to keep my love alive. Yea yea yea 
             F#       C#        B           C#         F#  C# 
You go from head to toe, this mystery has taken over me, I know. 
      B                  C#                 F#      C# 
You make the true love shine. You go from head to toe, 
       B               C#           F#  C#          B                  C# 
There's all emotions flowing over me, I know. You make the true love shine 
You go from head to toe... 

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