Slow Club

Suffering You Suffering Me

Slow Club

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Suffering You Suffering Me

Written by Slow Club/Rebecca Taylor/Charles Watson

A                       F#m                
  So I saw you turn from me the other night 
E                                D            Bm (slide to Dbm and back)   E  A 
  Right there I knew that I was losing you 
A                              F#m 
  And so I clenched my fist so tight, you couldn't see 
Bm                               D 
  Right there I knew that I was losing me 

F#m       Dbm 
And oh, I wonder 
   Bm                           E (build up strums) 
Will time wash away or will I suffer? 

          A             F#m 
                   Dbm                        E 
You came to me in truth, But as a liar you'll leave 

A                             F#m 
You say a week at least for you to clear your mind 
E                                 D      Bm (slide to Dbm and back)   E  A 
And how I felt so sick the whole time 
A                              F#m              
And I was so sure that I was special and you'd be kind 
Dbm                                 D 
And now I see you, watch others go by 

     F#m        Dbm 
Now where will I wander 
Bm                              E 
Will time wash away or will I suffer 

          A             F#m 
                   Dbm                        E 
You came to me in truth, But as a liar you'll leave 
                   F#m                      D        
And all the things you said, that you never mean 
                      Dbm                     E 
How could you be so cruel, and so beautiful to me 

D           E              Dbm           F#m   (E) 
And in a year from now I wonder if I'll find 
D                 E                  A      A 
That thoughts of you have passed me by 
D            E           Dbm                  F#m     (E) 
Or will we stay forever neither of us feeling better 
D                   E         D              E 
Do I find something new, or I keep suffering you 

          A             F#m 
                   Dbm                        E 
You came to me in truth, But as a liar you'll leave 
F#m                                          D        
And all the things you said, that you never mean 
                      Dbm                     E 
How could you be so cruel, and so beautiful to me 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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