Squirrel Nut Zippers

Lovers Lane

Squirrel Nut Zippers

cavaco Intermediate intermediate


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Lovers Lane

Written by Jimbo Mathus


C G# G#7 
C G#7 G7 C (x2) 

C                               G#7 
Broadway really ain't quite the same 
      G7                      C 
Since you and I found lover's lane 
C                                    G#7 
Standing on the corner of fourth and main 
G7                              C 
Dreaming of you way downtown in lover's lane 

Am E Sun is down, moon is bright Am G# G7 Lovers gonna stroll all night C G C G Way downtown in lover's lane
Instrumental: C G#7 G7 C Verse: Well getting high on bourbon and champagne Cannot compare to what we shared down in lover's lane Standing on the corner of fourth and main Still cannot match the thrill of lover's lane Chorus: Sun is down, moon is bright Lover's gonna stroll all night Way downtown in lover's lane Instrumental Verse: Well Broadway really ain't quite the same Since you and I found lover's lane Standing on the corner of fourth and main Dreaming of you way downtown in lover's lane Chorus: All the world is fast asleep She'll be jumping of lover's leap With some other fella down in lover's lane C G C G With some other fella down in lover's lane C G With some other fella OUTRO: C D G C (x2)

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