Squirrel Nut Zippers

Low Down Man

Squirrel Nut Zippers

cavaco Easy easy


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Low Down Man


    Dmaj7    Bm7    Dmaj7   Bm7 
that low down man of mine 

   Dmaj7     D7      Em7    A7 
mistreats me all the time 

   Em7     A7       D     B7 
he says he loves me only 

E7                              A          A7 
   then turns around and leaves me sad and lonely 

   D           Bm7            Dmaj7   Bm7 
if he    could see through my eyes 

    Dmaj7  D7      Em7    A7 
and be the one who cries 

Em7         A7          
he he would see 

D              B7 
he would never be 

     Em7      A7     D     A7   D   A7 
that low down man of mine 

     D        Bm7          Dmaj7    Bm7 
that low down man with his low down ways 

Dmaj7          D7      Em7    A7 
  I know he'll go some day 

     Em7       A7        D       B7 
I'll wait till then, the story's ending 

E7                 A            A7 
  It won't be long  but from now on 

   D           Bm7            Dmaj7   Bm7 
if he    could see through my eyes 

    Dmaj7  D7      Em7    A7 
and be the one who cries 

Em7           A7          
  he he would see 

D                B7 
 he would never be 

     Em7      A7     D    Bm7 
that low down man of mine 

   D           Bm7            Dmaj7   Bm7 
if he    could see through my eyes 

    Dmaj7  D7      Em7    A7 
and be the one who cries 

Em7            A7          
  he he would see 

D                   B7 
  he'd come back to me 

     Em7      A7     D     Bm7    Dmaj7   Bm7 
that low down man of mine 

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