
Honeysuckle Love


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Honeysuckle Love

Written by Brian Connolly/Steve Priest/Bon Scott/Mick Tucker

E F# A E B 

Verse: 1 
E                        A          E                      A 
 She lives for me, flies like a dove, into the sky, to the heavens above 
    E                        B           A          B 
And my girl's sweeter than a honeysuckle love. Hey, yeah 
E                             A           E                         A 
 Her gentle sweetness made me feel so good, opened my heart like no other could 
    E                        B           A          B 
And my girl's sweeter than a honeysuckle love. Hey, yeah 

G A E A E E E A E She's my cagey queen when it comes to love G A B Bsus4 I would give her the moon and the stars above
Instrumental: E F# A E B Verse: 2 E A E A Her sweet caresses made me lose my mind, nobody else has treated me so kind E B A B And my girl's sweeter than a honeysuckle love. Hey, yeah E A E A I saw her move and I felt so fine. I'm in a groove now I know she's mine E B A B And my girl's sweeter than a honeysuckle love. Hey, yeah Instrumental: E F# A E B
G A E A E E E A E She's my cagey queen when it comes to love G A E A E E E A E I would give her the moon and the stars above G A E A E E E A E She's my cagey queen when it comes to love G A E A E E E A E I would give her the moon and the stars above G A E A E E E A E She's my cagey queen when it comes to love G A E A E E E A E I would give her the moon and the stars above

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