Syd Barrett

Here I Go

Syd Barrett

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Here I Go

Written by Syd Barrett

	  		B                           F# 
    This is a story 'bout a girl that I knew 
she didn't like my songs 
and that made me feel blue 
             D#          Db              E 
she said: "a big band is far better than you"... 

Part I: 
    A              D#11/A#  Bm7        E 
She don't rock 'n' roll,     she don't like it 
    A              D#11/A#          Bm7         E 
she don't do the stroll,   well she don't do it right 
      A           A7           D            Dm 
well, ev'rythings wrong and my patience was gone 
when I woke one morning 
and remembered this song 


     A   D#11/A#   Bm7     E 
O-oh-oh,             kinda catchy,  
A  D#11/A#  Bm7  E 
               I hoped 
               A          A7 
that she would talk to me now 
    D      Dm        A 
and even allow me to hold her hand 
and forget that old band. 

Part II: 
D               Dm           A     A7 
    I strolled around to her pad 
D                 Dm             A    E 
    her light was off and that's bad 
D               Dm         A          F# 
    her sister said that my girl was gone 
B                             E 
   "But come inside, boy, and play, play, play me a song!" 

(w/PART I) 
I said "Yeah! Here I go" 
She's kinda cute, don't you know? 
That after a while of seeing her smile 
I knew we could make it, make it in style! 

(w/PART II) 
So now I've got all I need 
She and I are in love, we've agreed 
she likes this song and my others too 
so now you see my world is... 
because of this tune! 

(w/PART I) 
What a boon this tune! 
I tell you soon 
We'll be lying in bed, happily wed, 
and I won't think of that girl 
or what she said... 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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