The Acoustic Aliens

Acoustic Aliens Theme Song

The Acoustic Aliens

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Acoustic Aliens Theme Song


Verse 1:

F Em Well, we came here from the planet of our birth F Em To this big blue ball you call the planet earth F Em Cause we heard this music travelin’ through space D And it brought a big ol’ smile to our face F Em So, we hopped aboard our ships and headed here F Em But we end up arriving the wrong year F Em And the music that we loved so very much D Is a little bit old fashioned and out of touch
We are the G Cadd9 Acoustic Aliens and G Cadd9 We are here to play G Cadd9 The music of the decades that have Am Long since passed away It is the G Cadd9 Best kind of music G Cadd9 Found across the universe G Cadd9 So as soon as we both landed we decided to Am Rehearse

Verse 2:

F Em Now in case you wonder why we look like you F Em Why our skin is not some greenish colored hue F Em We can change ourselves into any kind of being D A cha-meleon is really what you’re seeing F Em Changing voices is a bit more tough to do F Em And our real ones end up somehow slippin’ through F Em It is hard to go from alien to man D And much harder to be a musician than a fan
We are the G Cadd9 Acoustic Aliens G Cadd9 And we are here to play G Cadd9 The music of the decades that have Am Long since passed away It is the G Cadd9 Best kind of music G Cadd9 Found across the galaxies G Cadd9 Music from the 60’s and the Am 1970’s . . . And it sounds like this Solo G C x 3 Am G C x 3 Am

Verse 3:

F Em Please forgive us if we do not get it right F Em Or come down with a case of alien stage fright F Em If we mess up, it is not because we’re dumb D It’s just because there’s no guitars where we come from F Em We are doing just the very best we can F Em But things don’t always go according to the plan F Em Now if you like what you hear, then tell your friends D So we can guarantee this music never ends, never ends, never ends, never ends
We are the G Cadd9 Acoustic Aliens G Cadd9 And we are here to play G Cadd9 The music of the decades that have Am long since passed away It is the G Cadd9 Best kind of music G Cadd9 Found across the galaxies G Cadd9 Music from the 60’s and the Am 1970’s Cadd9 And a little 80’s too oooh oooh G Cadd9 Acoustic Aliens for you G Cadd9 Acoustic Aliens G Cadd9 Acoustic Aliens G Cadd9 G Acoustic Aliens for you

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