The Beach Boys

Dont Go Near The Water

The Beach Boys

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Dont Go Near The Water

Written by Al Jardine/Mike Love

D Don't go near the water G D Don't you think it's sad D What's happened to the water G A D Our water's going bad
verse 1: D D/C# D/B D/A Oceans, rivers, lakes and streams G D Have all been touched by man D D/C# D/B D/A The poison floating out to sea G A D Now threatens life on land
D Don't go near the water G D Ain't it sad D What's happened to the water G D It's going bad
Bridge: G D Bm Don't go near the water don't go near the water D Bm Toothpaste and soap will make our oceans a bubble bath D Bm So let's avoid an ecological aftermath D Bm D Beginning with me, beginning with you
D D/C# D/B D/A Don't go near the water G D To do it any wrong D D/C# D/B D/A To be cool with the water G A D Is the message of this song
Outro: D Let's all help the water G D Right away D Do what we can and ought to G D Let's start today

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