The Bluegrass Album Band

One Tear

The Bluegrass Album Band

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One Tear

G One tear won't make a heart break Em One tear won't make a heart ache G G7 C If the tear I shed today is all I'll have to pay D G One tear is all I've cried for you

Verse 1:

G C I thought I'd never live without the tender love we shared D G But absence only showed my heart I'll never really care G C I'm glad that it's all over now I'm glad that we are through D G One tear is all I've cried for you
G One tear won't make a heart break Em One tear won't make a heart ache G G7 C If the tear I shed today is all I'll have to pay D G One tear is all I've cried for you
Instrumental G Em G C D G

Verse 2:

G C I'll live a happy life again and have my dreams come true D G My heart will bounce right back again and never think of you G C Then when you'll come asking me to take you back again D D7 G One tear is all I'll cry for you
G One tear won't make a heart break Em One tear won't make a heart ache G G7 C If the tear I shed today is all I'll have to pay D G One tear is all I've cried for you
Instrumental G Em G C D G
G One tear won't make a heart break Em One tear won't make a heart ache G G7 C If the tear I shed today is all I'll have to pay D G One tear is all I've cried for you

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