The Rifles

Lazy Bones

The Rifles

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Lazy Bones

Maybe it's the make-up or a part of my design 
Maybe you could put it down to changing of the times 
I couldn't begin to tell you all the reasons to why 
But everybody seems to get a high from bringing me down 

F               Am 
I know I'm only taking my time 
  F                       Am       G     F 
I try to explain but it's not that easy 'no' 
F                Am       
If I'm wrong and maybe you're right 
      F                       Am  G     F            E 
But I can't do nothing with a ten tonne weight on my mind... 

Some will catch a break and make a million over night 
Some will put their faith upon a man in the sky 
I wouldn't begin to tell them all a wrong from right 
So why does everybody get a high from bringing me down 

F               Am 
I know I'm only taking my time 
  F                       Am       G     F 
I try to explain but it's not that easy 'no' 
F                Am       
If I'm wrong and maybe you're right 
      F                       Am  G     F            E 
But I can't do nothing with a ten tonne weight on my mind... 

Am           F       E       Am 
(Oh) I don't want to live my life... 
Am                          F         E    Am 
"Never Gonna Get Your Act together Mr Lazy Bones" 
Am            F     E      F           E 
(Oh) ...being just another part of the scenery 
F          E    Am 
Working my days away 



F                        Am 
Maybe I'm wrong and in a ??? ??? you're right 
      F                       Am  G     F            E 
But I can't do nothing with a ten tonne weight on my mind... 

Am           F       E       Am 
(Oh) I don't want to live my life... 
Am                          F         E    Am 
"Never Gonna Get Your Act together Mr Lazy Bones" 
Am            F     E      F           E 
(Oh) ...being just another part of the scenery 
F          E    Am 
Working my days away 

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Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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