The Rolling Stones

Wild Horses

The Rolling Stones

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Wild Horses

Year: 1971 -

Written by Michael Phillip Jagger/Keith Richard

	  		Intro:  G   Am    G   Am   G   

Bm          G      Bm           G   
Childhood living   is easy to do   
Am               C       D   G                  D    C   
The things you wanted      I bought them for you   
Bm          G      Bm               G   
Graceless lady     you know who I am   
Am           C         D       G                D          
You know I can't let you     slide through my hands   
 Am     C      D  G         F       C Bm   
Wild Horses     couldn't drag me away   
 Am          C      D  G         F     C  
Wild wild horses     couldn't drag me away   
Bm              G      Bm              G   
I watched you suffer   a dull aching pain   
Am          C     D  G               D     C   
Now you decided     to show me the same   
Bm               G      Bm            G   
No sweeping exits    or offstage lines   
Am                 C      D     G          D        
Could make me feel bitter     or treat you unkind   
Am     C      D  G         F       C Bm   
Wild Horses     couldn't drag me away   
Am          C      D  G         F      C   
Wild wild horses     couldn't drag me away 

F/C C F/C C D G  
Bm            G           Bm                 G   
I know I've dreamed you   a sin and a lie   
Am          C       D  G                       D     C   
I have my freedom      but I don't have much time   
Bm               G      Bm              G   
Faith has been broken   tears must be cried   
Am             C      D  G            D        
Let's do some living     after we die   
Am     C      D  G         F      C Bm   
Wild horses     couldn't drag me away   
Am          C      D  G      F             C 
Wild wild horses     we'll ride them some day   

Bm G Bm G Am7 C D G D

Am     C      D  G         F      C Bm  
Wild horses     couldn't drag me away   
Am          C      D  G      F             C   
Wild wild horses     we'll ride them some day


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Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

See also:

chords Bryan Ferry - The 'In' Crowd

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