The White Buffalo

The Woods

The White Buffalo

cavaco Beginner beginner


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The Woods

Written by Jacob A. Smith

Em      G               D         C 
Gone so long I stepped out of the woods 
           D         C           G          D        Em 
Well I was misunderstood but in light of it all, well 
       G        D              C 
I sit back and check their disguise 
      D             C       G           D           Em 
Their dark shallow eyes got lost in the haze of the light 

     G            D 
So I sit back and watch 
C               D           Em 
I see all their masks soon appear 
  G            D 
I long for the woods 
C               D          Em 
From this place I'll disappear 

Em         G           D            C 
They all strive to deviate from the norm 
         D           C     G           D       Em 
But collectively swarm to be all the same, well 
          G          D           C 
To alter image prosthetics are worn 
        D              C      G           D          Em 
Their primped plastic forms melt in the heat of the light 

     G            D 
So I step to the light 
C               D           Em 
I see all their masks soon appear 
  G            D 
I long for the woods 
C               D          Em 
From this place I'll disappear 
C        Em      C         D           Em 
Disappear, disappear, oh, Lord, disappear 

Full key step upFull key step up
Half key step upHalf key step up
Half key step downHalf key step down
Full key step downFull key step down

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