Walk The Moon

Different Colors

Walk The Moon

cavaco Easy easy


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Different Colors

Written by Eli Maiman/Nicholas Petricco/Kevin Ray/Sean Waugaman

	  		Intro: Bb F C Dm 
Bass for verses: F G A G Dm 

Coming up slowly, oh, sun over the hill 
Daylight still a long time coming 
But I know it will 
Been under their spell, oh, but we're coming awake 
So we'll be rude, we'll be loud 
As long as it takes 

Bb           F 
This is why, this is why,  
C                              Dm 
we crank the dial to the right 
This is why we're biting the bullet 
We know the kids are right 

Bb F  
   C     Dm 
Different colors 
Bb F 
   C     Dm 
We carry each other 
We're just different colors  
This is why we're biting the bullet 
We know the kids are right 

We keep cracking the music up 
Driving through our towns 
But they don't wanna hear 
They want us to turn it down 
So come on lovers, come on haters 
Tonight we raise the fire 
Cause when the people get to dancing 
They forget about taking sides 

This is why, this is why,  
we crank the dial to the right 
This is why we're biting the bullet 
We know the kids are right 

Different colors 
We carry each other 
We're just different colors  
This is why we're biting the bullet 
We know the kids are right 

(For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction) 
F                                     Dm 
We're coming awake, out of your spell,  
F                                       Dm 
As long as it takes, we're coming awake 

We're coming awake, out of your spell,  
As long as it takes, we're coming awake 

This is why, this is why,  
we crank the dial to the right 
This is why we're biting the bullet 
We know the kids are right 

This is why, this is why, we turn it up all night 
This is why we're biting the bullet 
We know the kids are right 

Different colors 
We carry each other 
We're just different colors  
This is why we're biting the bullet 
We know the kids are right 

Different colors 
We carry each other 
We're just different colors  
This is why we're biting the bullet 
We know the kids are right 

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