Wanda Jackson

Let My Love Walk In

Wanda Jackson

cavaco Intermediate intermediate


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Let My Love Walk In

 A    D       A            D         A 
(Open up that door..let my love walk in.) 

Come on and open up that door (open up that  
                        D                A 
door) to your heart and let my love walk in. 
A                                     Gbm 
Open up that door (open up that door) to your  
            Bm          E 
heart and a big romance begin. 

E              Am 
Til you had my lovin' and my kissin' you don't  
D                       Dm 
know what you've been a-missin'. 
             A                        Gbm 
Open up that door (open up that door) to your  
          Bm     Dbm       A 
heart and let my love walk in. 

E A Open up that door and let my love walk in. D A (let my love walk in.) E A D A Open up that door and let a big romance begin. A D Don't let the good times roll by, that would A D A be a sin..(that would be a sin.) A Gb B E Open up that door, sweet baby, and let my love A D A walk in..(let my love walk in.)
#3. A E Don't you know I've been a-waitin' for a long, A long time. Dm E Just to have you near me and hear you say A you're mine. D A I'm pleadin' with you, baby, on a bended knee. A Gb B Open up that door sweet sugar and take a little D A chance on me.
E A Open up that door and let my love walk in. D A (let my love walk in.) E A D A Open up that door and let a big romance begin. A D Don't let the good times roll by, that would A D A be a sin..(that would be a sin.) A Gb B E Open up that door, sweet baby, and let my love A D A walk in..(let my love walk in.) E A Open up that door and let my love walk in. D A (let my love walk in.) E A D A Open up that door and let a big romance begin. A D Don't let the good times roll by, that would A D A be a sin..(that would be a sin.) A Gb B E Open up that door, sweet baby, and let my love A D A walk in..(let my love walk in.)
OUTRO: A D A D A (Open up that door..let my love walk in.)

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